BPR uses our exclusive 7-System research solution to drive our understanding of the Television environment which combined with our long history of working only with TV Network allows us to quickly interpret an understand the changes happening in the market. Whilst plenty of other research companies can conduct projects, BPR has and the understanding and the experience to read beyond the numbers and help develop a strategy for the changing environment.


Annual tracking research & strategy consultancy

A comprehensive rolling analysis of viewing preference and behaviour providing a basis for schedule optimization, monitoring brand image, measuring changes in viewing patterns and content preference including the impact of Pay TV and streaming services and changes in viewing demand and attitudes. BPR’s strategic perspective is driven by our Pillars of Success ™ analysis model.


One-off Competitive Review

Is designed for clients who have a need to obtain a broad strategic view of their market quickly. Similar in scope to Full Services Consultancy however confined to a single period, the One-Off Competitive Review is often used to quickly identify areas of weakness in their own schedule and/or latent opportunities existing in the market.


Single Program Deep Dives

Provides a deep dive analysis of an existing program either as a snapshot or a tracking study. It is particularly valuable in assessing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats surrounding a TV series. The study not just provides insight into the target program but also competing programs in the same genre or timeslot.


Pilot Studies

Offers a strategic and objective assessment of a new program or program concept to the intended target audience. A Pilot test not only measures overall viewer reactions to the program but also the various elements within a new program including the talent and plot lines. This enables program producers and writers to fine tune around elements that resonate with viewers and eliminate or re-direct elements that are turn offs. A Pilot test also extends to the measurement of program packaging and promotion.


Customised Research Solutions

With our flexible software, long experience in creating detailed research surveys and understanding of the TV market BPR is well placed to develop customized research solutions and strategies for our clients to help answer any pressing issues facing their channels and programs.


Project Management

BPR TV’s team can handle any research & strategic consultancy project for our clients, from survey setup & implementation, panel recruitment, data processing and analysis. From small, focused studies to market encompassing research BPR TV has the team and the experience to handle all aspect of research project for our clients.


Consultancy & TV Strategy

The sheer amount of data available to Television Networks about their audience can be overwhelming in the current environment. BPR TV offer a wide range of consultancy services to help our clients make sense of the information they have at hand, whether that be from ratings to research projects. BPR will help you make sense of all the noise in the market and work to give you the clear insight & strategy needed to gain the upper hand in a crowded environment.

For more information, contact us below.